Tuesday, July 6, 2010

LCLY punya teacher

kesian leoniie. classmate try 2 b good to trainee teacher,mana tau kena throw shit at face. veli lcly wo. so i suggest write bad thign n post in notice board at school canteen. let all student read. then other teacher read oso good. gif the bloody teacher dem bloody bad impression. if i were leoniie, i long time do dis. n mebe throw her into crocodile mouth.

too bad la i not inkk. else can play the fool ge. nvm la. listen to teddy bear wat else story. then kasi blackmail her. take her naked pic n post in internet. sell her naked pic so can buy teddybear SJ concert tix next year.

dem, my planning sure veli good. today listen more story sin ^_^

Friday, June 11, 2010

going to miss my bear bear soon

been bc arranging my trip to south africa. totally forgot my bear bear leioniie. bear bear now school holiday. sure getting fatter cox sooooooo relax ^_^ dun mad ya

kao tim all my trip arrangement. so now can perli my bear bear a bit. say wan sms her from south africa. say y me so nice. mebe bear bear like me bad. bad bad boy. a lot ppl say girl like bad bad boy. like mandarin said, nan ren bu huai, nue ren bu ai. haha. dun mad again ya.

my sms rm2 is sent from south africa. so ok la. soemmroe soon is bear bear ge birthday. must wish bear bear ge. n i m so damn sure in her life, onli 1 fella ever sms n wish her birthday from south africa. duno bear bear will cry or not. but dun think so la. bear bear never cry. but watch drama cry le. consider cry or not le.

kenot find bonanarama cd last week. duno it sold off or jaya jusco out-dated. at least got dl a few enuf le. i oso listen to SJ, but reli no idea wat they sing. bla bla bla da onli word i heard :D but wait, mana tau south africa i can find the cd le. haha. dun think so la. kidding onli. dun mad ya.

excited to fly soon jor. cum bac tell bear bear of all the beautiful hand i had capture. then take snake la, crocodile la, lion la, penguin picture, share wif bear bear. mebe put teddy bear beside snake. c snake scare or not. take jor pic sin. late ronli edit. or put eetuk face playing ball. duno how bear bear will feel tim. mebe dis one i wan try :) dun mad ya... hehe

Sunday, May 23, 2010

the sad sad teddy bear again

it funny how love can transform certain ppl. last time i got fren who is veli tomboy. then get married veli early oso. then got a lady fren say she never ever wan to get marry. mana tau tiba tiba perut buncit. wan marry or not?? mai marry jor.

leoniie oso say will never fall in for any guy. listen sin la. i can bet 100k rupiah she get marry n live happily ever after ^_^ (dun scold n slap me ya)

but dis is somethign which v cannot avoid. fate cum, sure kenot run. fate not yet cum, chase oso no use.

although her beloved go study far far away. no need sad. not like u lose anything to him. onli feel. feel will hurt but can heal from time to time. leoniie will grow bigger, older n wiser some day. some day, i know i will win da 100k rupiah. leoniie rr... prepare than money sin ya ;p

haf a nice day

Monday, May 17, 2010

poor sad sad teddy bear

i dun haf a teddy bear b4. guess leoniie got mroe than 1 teddy bear. imagine one day, the beloved teddy bear suddenly cum alive n leave u, sure sad, sure reli reli sad.

aiya, thing cum n go ge la. if old no go, how da new will cum. funny thing is v tend to miss da old one. then da old new one n again n again n again.

now wish leoniie soon will haf a new n whiter teddy bear, wif a reli terribly nice hand. then mai no more sad sickness lo ^_^

my hadn not nice, so u makan sendiri la ;p

Monday, May 10, 2010

black eye leoniie

last week leoniie said veli tired. eye black jor. not bcox ppl whack. is too hardworking during PE class. then nite time panda bear jor.

duno look like dis or not? but of cox hand n leg not black color la. leoniie is veli fair, sun burn oso no dark skin. onli red color a while then tomolo fair color again. if all ppl like her, sure sun block company jap lat oledi lo.

eh, ear oso black, sure not black la leoniie ge ear. but her hair oso quite long, never reli c her ear, duno reli black or not. but i guess sure not black la. hope i m rite ^_^

check check leoniie ge bd is on june. ngam ngam i still in south africa. kenot celebrate wif her tim. i know i m nobody to her, just one more fren to wish her, add little bit meaningful day to her ma.

duno wat type of teddy bear south africa got. if got funny ge bear take pic, n email pic to her to c. duno cute or not. but no bear can match leoniie ge cuteness ge la :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

sick bear bear

been sick few days. wan think to update blog oso hard. head pain, more to headache but oso not as pain like headache. i oso duno wat. mebe weather too hot. somemore got 2 ulsers in my mouth, damn pain. now ok jor lo. can blog a bit.

kena scold tim last week. " its leoniie...!!!" aiya, a bit wrong onli, hope dis time no wrong gua.

thought onli she like eetuk. mana tau got david. who is david i oso duno. a lot david out there. magician david copperfield la, david blaine la. football star david beckham. but his david i reli duno who is tat. but leng jai oso. jeles, later go korek his face make him ugly sin.

learn somethign from leoniie about the term 'tomolo'. got told her will buy 016 number on tomolo, but guess the tomolo mebe a few more tomolo gua. my near place no phone shop. need shopping onli got. so 'tomolo' lah.

somemore today sick oso go watch movie. the 2 'an'. iron man n ip man. not bad la both. leoniie rrr.... u must watch. understand ppl ge suffer. then learn something from there la. kk got big big GSC ma. u go watch sin, next time claim back from me.

wondering is she oledi slap da bitches. duno will use wing chun kung fu or shaolin kung fu slap?? if me i will use karate chop. wat to do, last time learn karate b4. karate kik oso can kik cicak ^_^

dun too bad temper ya. later lagi cepat tua. tell me if ppl buli u, i teach u karate :P

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

she loves green tea

yum yum. i oso like green tea. but house stuck a lot wif other chinese type tea, so need to forget green tea for the time being.

but starbuck iced blended green tea?? never heard b4. i search in net onli realise got dis. mebe help free advertise n let leoniee know got dis type. next time she can try de.

green tea good for health. actually plain drink like oso veli nice oledi. dem i miss green tea. must buy 2 boxes when i go kai kai next time. but i wonder y so suddenly got green tea when last last time never heard b4. ppl sure know how 2 make money. not like me, sit here talk air onli.

duno leoniee got specific like certain brand of green tea or not. just like chocolate, got sweet, bitter, sweet + bitter. mebe i can make new taste for her, sour green tea. dis one good for slimming. i tell u, sure veli hit n i can soon bcum millionaire ^_^

to leaoniee, try put some lime inside, n taste n tell me later ya ^_^